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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic...
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From the day we arrived in Hanoi, the strangest thing keeps happening to me, I keep getting lost. Apparently it’s not just me, this city is just a bit confusing with it’s streets that seem to not make any sense. But that has it’s charm and fun. Hanoi has been the city for us to...
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This is going to be really short: Skip Da Nang.. Nothing there Go to Hoi An… Beautiful, alive, good vibe, nice people, best hotel with swimming pool, lovely beach, good shopping and the best drinking 😉 We had an amazing time there! Just arrived in Hanoi, let’s see what the capitol is like!
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Wow, 2 weeks have passed and I have so much to write so I’m going to try to summarize what we’ve been up to. Our last weekend on Bali we went up north to the GitGit Waterfalls, it’s very beautiful and… you get to jump of the rocks into the freezing cold water! The next...
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Let’s start with this: I’m totally rocking the yoga pants! This week it’s been a lot of relaxing, yoga, a bit of sightseeing and a lot of beer….! I explored our neighborhood, found this lovely market with lovely fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and so much more. Here the people are so friendly and helpful not...
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This week I had my first Yoga lesson. Most of you who know me will know that this is a very different Inge. Normally I would say that that is for either hippies or hipsters and I’m neither… But they say: “when in Rome…”  So I have to say, during the lesson I thought I...
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Bali Beautiful! I needed a little time to relax and acclimatize after the flights to get here. Now all I see is beauty and adventure. Last week we had our very first surfing lesson. Wow what an amazing feeling to stand on a surf board for the first time. I totally understand all those people...
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I’m going to start with this: It was strange to leave Koh PhaNgan, and this is why: On our little paradise beach we met Will, a writer from the UK and a perfect match because of his dark humor and warm personality. (Read: loves to drink cocktails, feast on good food and discuss the worlds...
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This week has gone by so fast…! We had a few more days left on the beautiful island Lanta. On Tuesday we were travelled to the city Surat Thani. We did all the work our self, so booked the ferry and the bus. 212 km so Mini bus from the resort to the ferry 30 min....
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Two weeks have past since my last post. Meanwhile we left Chiang Mai looking for a perfect holiday spot away from our holiday…. You have to be here to understand. While I’m writing this I’m on an Island in  Ko-hub. To be clear, we found our little paradise, but also on paradise there are digital...
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